
SQLiteCommand, SQLiteConnection, SQLiteDataAdapter, SQLiteTransaction, Parametrized Queries, DataTable, DataSet

Install sqlite

Install the nuget package System.Data.SQLite. Please note this package only works on windows. If on linux or mac use the sqlite dll provided by mono.

Install-Package System.Data.SQLite 

Create new Sqlite Connection

public static IDbConnection CnFactory
    	var path = @"The\Path\To\Your\Sqlite\file"
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))

        var cnString = "Data Source=" + path + "; Version=3";
        return new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(cnString);

Now to use the connection string

using(var cn = CnFactory)
	// Now do whatever with the connection. It will be auto closed in the using statement.

SQLiteCommand and Transaction

Create a new connection, initialize a transaction and command. Run said command.

using(var cn = CnFactory)
	// Now do whatever with the connection. It will be auto closed in the using statement.

	using(var txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
		// Now do whatever with the transaction. It will be auto closed in the using statement.

		// create and execute a command using the connection and transaction
		var cmd = cn.CreateCommand();
		cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
		cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Users Set FirstName='Peter'";
		cmd.Connection = cn;
		cmd.CommandTimeout = DefaultTime;
		cmd.Transaction = txn;


In all seriousness; avoid SQLiteDataAdapter, SQLiteTransaction, DataTable, and DataSet if you can and use Dapper instead.