Dapper Micro ORM

I love dapper. It is an awesome micro orm that gets out of your way.

Install Dapper

Add dapper to your c# project using nuget.

Install-Package Dapper

Once dapper is installed you now have super simple database access.


Lets say we have the following sqlite connection

public static IDbConnection CnFactory
    	var path = @"The\Path\To\Your\Sqlite\file"
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))

        var cnString = "Data Source=" + path + "; Version=3";
        return new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(cnString);

Now we want to query all the records in the user table.

using Dapper;

using(var cn=CnFactory)
	var users = cn.Query("SELECT * FROM Users;");
	foreach(var user in users)

That is a query using c# dynamic code. For a nicer experience, including intellesense you can also define and use POCOs.

This example declares a “Users” POCO class that is then used with dappers Query method.

using Dapper;
public class Users
	public string FirstName {get; set;}
	public string LastName {get; set;}

using(var cn=CnFactory)
	var users = cn.Query<Users>("SELECT * FROM Users;");
	foreach(var user in users)


write me ;)


See https://github.com/majorsilence/DotNetDev/tree/master/ReportingAndDatabases/DapperExample for an example of dapper and custom object mappers.

Official documentation

Please read the official dapper docs. They are short and easy to read.