Graphs and Paths

This is my summary of the Graphs and Paths chapter. All code is written in c# (converted from java).

Types of Graphs (E - Edges, V - Vertices) Unweighted: O(|E|) Breadth-first search Weighted, no negative edges: O(|E| log|V|) Dijkstra’s algorithm Weighted, negative edges: O(|E| * |V|) Bellman-Ford algorithm Weighted, acyclic: O(|E|) Uses topological sort

A class to represent the Edges:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Edge
	public Vertex dest; // Second vertex in Edge
	public double cost; // Edge cost
	public Edge(Vertex d, double c)
		this.dest = d;
		this.cost = c;

A class to represent the Vertices:

public class Vertex
	public string name; // Vertex name
	public List<Edge> adj; // Adjacent vertices
	public double dist; // cost
	public Vertex prev; // Previous vertex on shortest path
	public int pos; // Position on path?
	public int scratch; // Extra variable used in algorithm
	public Vertex(string nm)
	{ = nm;
		this.adj = new List<Edge>();
	public void reset()
		this.dist = Graph.INFINITY;
		this.prev = null;
		this.pos = 0;
		this.scratch = 0 ;

A class to represent paths (used with dijkstra’s algorithm):

/// <summary>
/// Used with the dijkstra function
/// </summary>
public class Path : IComparable<Path>
	private Vertex vdest;
	private double vcost;
	public Path(Vertex d, double c)
		vdest = d;
		vcost = c;
	public Vertex Dest
		get {return vdest;}
		set {vdest = value;}
	public double Cost
		get { return vcost; }
		set { vcost = value; }
	public int CompareTo(Path rhs)
		double otherCost = rhs.Cost;
		if (vcost < otherCost)
			return -1;
		else if (vcost > otherCost)
			return 1;
		return 0;

The PriorityQueue class. This is needed with the dijkstra algorithm. I never wrote this, found on the Internet (not sure where).

public class PriorityQueue<T>
    List<T> list = new List<T>();
    Comparison<T> comparer; 

    public PriorityQueue():this(Comparer<T>.Default.Compare)

    public PriorityQueue(IComparer<T> comparer)
        this.comparer = comparer.Compare;

    public PriorityQueue(Comparison<T> comparer)
         this.comparer = comparer;

    public int Count
            return list.Count;

    public bool Empty
        get { return list.Count == 0; }

    public int Push(T element)
        int p = list.Count;
            if (p == 0)
            int p2 = (p - 1) / 2;
            if (Compare(p,p2) < 0)
                SwitchElements(p, p2);
                p = p2;
        } while (true);
        return p;

    public void PushAll(IEnumerable<T> elements)
        foreach (var item in elements)

    public T Pop()
        if (Empty)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Empty Priority Qoeue");

        int p = 0;
        T result = list[0];
        list[0] = list[list.Count - 1];
        list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1);
            int pn = p;
            int p1 = 2 * p + 1;
            int p2 = 2 * p + 2;
            if (list.Count > p1 && Compare(p,p1) > 0)
                p = p1;
            if (list.Count > p2 && Compare(p,p2) > 0)
                p = p2;

            if (p == pn)

            SwitchElements(p, pn);
        } while (true);

        return result; 

    public T Peek()
        if (Empty)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalied Priority Qoeue");

        return list[0];

    public void Clear()

    public void Update(T element)

    public bool Contains(T element)
        return list.Contains(element);

    int Compare(int i, int j)
        return comparer(list[i], list[j]);

    void SwitchElements(int i, int j)
        T h = list[i];
        list[i] = list[j];
        list[j] = h;

    void Update(int i)
        int p = i, pn;
        int p1, p2;
            if (p == 0)
            p2 = (p - 1) / 2;
            if (Compare(p, p2) < 0)
                SwitchElements(p, p2);
                p = p2;
        } while (true);
        if (p < i)
            pn = p;
            p1 = 2 * p + 1;
            p2 = 2 * p + 2;
            if (list.Count > p1 && Compare(p, p1) > 0)
                p = p1;
            if (list.Count > p2 && Compare(p, p2) > 0)
                p = p2;

            if (p == pn)
            SwitchElements(p, pn);
        } while (true);

The Graph and GraphException class:

/// <summary>
/// Graph class: evaluate shortest paths.
/// CONSTRUCTION: with no parameters.
/// ***********************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*************
/// void AddEdge(string v, string w, double cvw) - Add additional edge
/// void PrintPath(string w) - Print path after alg is run
/// void Unweighted(string s) - Single-source unweighted
/// void Dijkstra(string s) - Single-source weighted
/// void Negative(string s) - Single-source negative
/// void Acyclic(string s) - Single-source acyclic
/// *********************ERRORS**************************
/// Some error checking is performed to make sure that graph the graph is ok
/// and that graph statisfies properties needed by each algorithm.
/// Exceptions are thrown if errors are detected.
/// </summary>
public class Graph
	public static readonly double INFINITY = double.MaxValue;
	/// <summary>
	/// Add a new edge to the graph.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="sourceName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="destName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="cost">
	/// A <see cref="System.Double"/>
	/// </param>
	public void AddEdge(string sourceName, string destName, double cost)
		Vertex v = GetVertex(sourceName);
		Vertex w = GetVertex(destName);
		v.adj.Add(new Edge(w, cost));
	/// <summary>
	/// Driver routine to handle unreachables and print total cost.
	/// It calls recursive routine to print shortest path to destNode
	/// after a shortest path algorithm has run.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="destName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	public void PrintPath(string destName)
		Vertex w = (Vertex)vertexMap[destName];
		if(w == null)
			throw new KeyNotFoundException();
		else if(w.dist == INFINITY)
			System.Console.WriteLine(destName + " is unreachable");
			System.Console.Write("(Cost is: " + w.dist + ")");
	/// <summary>
	/// Unweighted single-source, shortest-path problem.
	/// Find the shortest path (measured by number of edges) from a designated
	/// vertex S to every vertex.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="startName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	public void Unweighted(string startName)
		Vertex start = (Vertex)vertexMap[startName];
		if(start == null)
			throw new NullReferenceException("Start vertex not found");
		Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>();
		q.Enqueue(start); start.dist=0;
			Vertex v = q.Dequeue();
			foreach(Edge e in v.adj)
				Vertex w = e.dest;
				if(w.dist == INFINITY)
					w.dist = v.dist + 1;
					w.prev = v;
	/// <summary>
	/// Positive-weighted, single-source, shortest-path problem
	/// Find the shortest path (measured by total cost) from a designated vertex S
	/// to every vertex.  all edge costs are nonnegative.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="startName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <remarks>Will not work with negative edges</remarks>
	public void Dijkstra(string startName)
		PriorityQueue<Path> pq = new PriorityQueue<Path>();
		Vertex start = (Vertex)vertexMap[startName];
		if(start == null)
			throw new NullReferenceException("Start vertex not found");
		pq.Push(new Path(start, 0)); // add
		start.dist = 0;
		int nodesSeen = 0;
		while(pq.Count > 0 && nodesSeen < vertexMap.Count)
			Path vrec = pq.Pop(); //remove
			Vertex v = vrec.Dest;
			if(v.scratch != 0) // already processed v
			v.scratch = 1;
			foreach(Edge e in v.adj)
				Vertex w = e.dest;
				double cvw = e.cost;
				if(cvw < 0)
					throw new GraphException("Graph has negative edges");
				if(w.dist > (v.dist + cvw))
					w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
					w.prev = v;
					pq.Push(new Path(w, w.dist));
	/// <summary>
	/// Most General Case.
	/// Negative-Weighted, single-source, shortest-path problem.
	/// Find the shortest path (measured by total cost) from a designated vertex S to
	/// every vertex.  Edge costs may be negative.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="startName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	public void Negative(string startName)
		Vertex start = (Vertex)vertexMap[startName];
		if(start == null)
			throw new NullReferenceException("Start vertex not found");
		Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>();
		start.dist = 0;
		while (q.Count > 0)
			Vertex v = q.Dequeue();
			if(v.scratch++ > (2*vertexMap.Count))
				throw new GraphException("Negative cycle detected");
			foreach(Edge e in v.adj)
				Vertex w = e.dest;
				double cvw = e.cost;
				if(w.dist > (v.dist + cvw))
					w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
					w.prev = v;
					//Enqueue only if not already on the queue
					if((w.scratch++ % 2) == 0)
						w.scratch--; // undo the enqueue increment	
	/// <summary>
	/// Weighted single-source, shortest-path problem for acyclic graphs.
	/// Find the shortest path (measured by total cost) from a designated
	/// vertex S to every vertex in an acyclic graph.  Edge costs are unrestricted.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="startName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	public void Acyclic(string startName)
		Vertex start = (Vertex)vertexMap[startName];
		if (start == null)
			throw new NullReferenceException("Start vertex not found");
		Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>();
		start.dist = 0;
		// Compute the indegrees
		List<Vertex> vertexSet = new List<Vertex>();
		foreach(Vertex v in q)
		foreach(Vertex v in vertexSet)
			foreach(Edge e in v.adj)
		foreach(Vertex v in vertexSet)
			if(v.scratch == 0)
		int iterations;
		for(iterations = 0; q.Count > 0; iterations++)
			Vertex v = q.Dequeue();
			foreach(Edge e in v.adj)
				Vertex w = e.dest;
				double cvw = e.cost;
				if(--w.scratch == 0)
				if(v.dist == INFINITY)
				if(w.dist > (v.dist + cvw))
					w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
					w.prev = v;
		if(iterations != vertexMap.Count)
			throw new GraphException("Graph has a cycle!");
	/// <summary>
	/// If vertexName is not present, add it to vertexMap.
	/// In either case, return the Vertex
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="vertexName">
	/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>
	/// A <see cref="Vertex"/>
	/// </returns>
	private Vertex GetVertex(string vertexName)
		Vertex v = (Vertex)vertexMap[vertexName];
		if(v == null)
			v = new Vertex(vertexName);
			vertexMap.Add(vertexName, v);
		return v;
	/// <summary>
	/// Recursive routine to print shortest path to dest after running
	/// shortest path algorithm.  The path is known to exist.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="dest">
	/// A <see cref="Vertex"/>
	/// </param>
	private void PrintPath(Vertex dest)
		if(dest.prev != null)
			System.Console.Write(" to ");
	/// <summary>
	/// Initializes the vertex output info prior to running
	/// any shortest path algorithm.
	/// </summary>
	private void ClearAll()
		foreach(Vertex v in vertexMap.Values)
	/// <summary>
	/// <string, Vertex>
	/// </summary>
	public System.Collections.Hashtable vertexMap = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

public class GraphException : Exception
	public GraphException(string name) : base(name)

The main command line program:

class MainClass
	/// <summary>
	/// A main routine that
	/// 1. Reads a file (supplied as a command-line parameter) containing edges.
	/// 2. Forms the graph.
	/// 3. Repeatedly prompts for two vertices and runs the shortest path algorithm.
	/// The data file is a sequence of lines of the format source destination.
	/// </summary>
	public static void Main(string []args)
		Graph g = new Graph();
		StreamReader fin = new StreamReader("input.txt");//StreamReader(args[0]);
			string line;
			while( (line = fin.ReadLine()) != null )
				string[] words = line.Split(char.Parse(" "));
					if (words.Length != 3)
						System.Console.WriteLine("Skipping bad line " + line);
					string source = words[0];
					string dest = words[1];
					int cost = int.Parse(words[2]);
					g.AddEdge(source, dest, cost);
				catch(Exception exi)
						System.Console.WriteLine("Skipping bad line " + line);
		catch(IOException ex)
		System.Console.WriteLine("File read...");
	/// <summary>
	/// Process a request; return if end of file.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="fin">
	/// A <see cref="StreamReader"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="g">
	/// A <see cref="Graph"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>
	/// A <see cref="System.Boolean"/>
	/// </returns>
	public static Boolean ProcessRequest(Graph g)
		string startName = null;
		string destName = null;
		string alg = null;
			Console.Write("Enter start node: ");
			if( (startName = Console.ReadLine()) == null )
				return false;
			Console.Write("Enter destination node: ");
			if( (destName = Console.ReadLine()) == null )
				return false;
			Console.Write("Enter algorithm (u, d, n, a): ");
			if( (alg = Console.ReadLine()) == null )
				return false;
			if(alg == "u")
			else if(alg == "d")
			else if(alg == "n")
		catch(IOException ioex)
		catch(Exception ex)
		return true;

The input graph (input.txt):

D C 10
A B 12
D B 23
A D 87
E D 43
B E 11
C A 19